We have found the term pruning can be subjective unless specifically defined in the written proposal.  For instance, to simply write “prune one Dogwood” could mean one outcome for the client and an entirely different one for the practitioner. To help ensure a shared understanding of expectations, our Arborists will define the objectives. For example:

Perform crown thinning on the American Dogwood located in the front yard. Dead, dying, diseased and rubbing or crossing branches 1” in diameter or larger will be pruned out to achieve an approximate 15% thinning in order to help guide healthy development and enhance aesthetic appeal. Also, raise the branch level to approximately 7ft. to allow for greater sunlight penetration to the flowers.”

If roof clearance is the goal, a description would read:

“Achieve approximately 10-12ft. of separation between the lowest tree branch and the roof to inhibit squirrel access and allow greater sunlight to the roof shingles”

Because of our 30+ years of experience serving Greater Atlanta and our continued training within our organization, you can count on Casey Tree Experts to provide you with a thorough, clearly defined description of work and an educated explanation of the best process to fit your custom needs.

The most common pruning requests are:

  • Clearing space above and around roofs

  • Removing dead branches

  • Thinning and raising branch levels for sunlight to turf

  • Structural pruning for newly established young trees

  • Creating a view

  • Correcting storm damage

  • Aesthetic enhancement

Tree Pruning Examples:

midas tree pruning service casey tree atlanta

Crown Thinning & Raising

casey tree service lilburn crown thinning pruning

Crown Thinning:

casey tree service chipping trucks

Crown Thinning & Raising:

casey tree service experts residential pruning

Crown Raising:

tree pruning crown thinning raising

Crown Thinning & Raising:

casey tree service experts commercial pruning

Crown Reduction: